
i2Scim Access Control using Open Policy Agent


Starting with release 0.6, i2scim includes preview integration support for Open Policy Agent (known as OPA) integration. From the OPA Introduction:

The Open Policy Agent (OPA, pronounced “oh-pa”) is an open source, general-purpose policy engine that unifies policy enforcement across the stack. OPA provides a high-level declarative language that lets you specify policy as code and simple APIs to offload policy decision-making from your software. You can use OPA to enforce policies in microservices, Kubernetes, CI/CD pipelines, API gateways, and more.

When integrated with i2scim, i2scim will ask the configured OPA Agent server whether a request is authorized and what ACI policy to apply. OPA will execute the Rego policy script i2scim.authz and return two values: allow and rules. Allow is a simple boolean that if not true, i2scim returns an unauthorized error. If true, the rules variable is parsed and interpreted as a normal i2scim access control ACI. The reason why rego must return a rule to i2scim, is that i2scim must still determine what attributes in a request are modifiable and/or returable per the policy. Rather than call OPA for each attribute, i2scim just uses the returned ACI to act on the OPA Agent decision.

Example Request

A SCIM Client makes a request to retrieve the ServiceProviderConfig using a JWT token with root scope: ```http request GET //localhost:8080/ServiceProviderConfig Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJ0ZXN0Lmkyc2NpbS5pbyIsImF1ZCI6ImF1ZC50ZXN0

Upon receipt of a SCIM HTTP request, i2scim parses the HTTP request and passes the following example OPA `input` to the 
configured OPA Agent URL
```http request
POST /v1/data/i2scim
Host: localhost:8181
Content-Type: application/json
  "input" : {
    "http" : {
      "method" : "GET",
      "uri" : "/ServiceProviderConfig",
      "remoteHost" : "",
      "remotePort" : 58967,
      "isSecure" : false,
      "headers" : {
        "Authorization" : "Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJ0ZXN0Lmkyc2NpbS5pbyIsImF1ZCI6ImF1ZC50ZXN0Lmkyc2NpbS5pbyIsInN1YiI6ImFkbWluIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZG1pbiIsImNsaWVudGlkIjoidGVzdC5jbGllbnQuaTJzY2ltLmlvIiwic2NvcGUiOiJmdWxsIG1hbmFnZXIiLCJpYXQiOjE2MzU2MjE4MjIsImV4cCI6MTYzNTYyNTQyMiwianRpIjoiNTE0MDY4OWYtNTk3OC00N2M2LWE1ZTEtN2NmNGQwNTA1ZDIwIn0.SGS1wUKi9fxFsMldwR9lB_z6qqZIU6wXgBC667j6spn83WrOua4YvarUrWAfIbkCRVqYi98P6aAY_YPB8Rhfud4Glc56MgPt9ptR9iK_eZL_cKVJPQsdxGG54S5SjvIEnMz-StIR0fwoctjMJ37adwxktvVjLIK5C_svMBLkw7HyMQVBL3Ea9Gs_uTv0_hu7vGbxUSbUtirPsjamNXyDlDF2mEZHy-ZXpLdavqzV_xFqyASb4lT2PhrbtdWUdBmORG8HHR1O97n_4JuPX8yU4yj3y0izru7W7SY9pkWNSOnVniCxCMTLnCUepkX-S01UprchTo9jMwDnPXjg5CPHmw",
        "Content-type" : "application/scim+json",
        "Connection" : "Keep-Alive",
        "User-Agent" : "Apache-HttpClient/4.5.13 (Java/11.0.7)",
        "Host" : "localhost:58957",
        "Accept-Encoding" : "gzip,deflate"
    "auth" : {
      "type" : "JWT",
      "sub" : "admin",
      "iss" : "test.i2scim.io",
      "aud" : [ "aud.test.i2scim.io" ],
      "roles" : [ "manager", "root", "bearer", "full" ],
      "token" : "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJ0ZXN0Lmkyc2NpbS5pbyIsImF1ZCI6ImF1ZC50ZXN0Lmkyc2NpbS5pbyIsInN1YiI6ImFkbWluIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZG1pbiIsImNsaWVudGlkIjoidGVzdC5jbGllbnQuaTJzY2ltLmlvIiwic2NvcGUiOiJmdWxsIG1hbmFnZXIiLCJpYXQiOjE2MzU2MjE4MjIsImV4cCI6MTYzNTYyNTQyMiwianRpIjoiNTE0MDY4OWYtNTk3OC00N2M2LWE1ZTEtN2NmNGQwNTA1ZDIwIn0.SGS1wUKi9fxFsMldwR9lB_z6qqZIU6wXgBC667j6spn83WrOua4YvarUrWAfIbkCRVqYi98P6aAY_YPB8Rhfud4Glc56MgPt9ptR9iK_eZL_cKVJPQsdxGG54S5SjvIEnMz-StIR0fwoctjMJ37adwxktvVjLIK5C_svMBLkw7HyMQVBL3Ea9Gs_uTv0_hu7vGbxUSbUtirPsjamNXyDlDF2mEZHy-ZXpLdavqzV_xFqyASb4lT2PhrbtdWUdBmORG8HHR1O97n_4JuPX8yU4yj3y0izru7W7SY9pkWNSOnVniCxCMTLnCUepkX-S01UprchTo9jMwDnPXjg5CPHmw"
    "path" : "/ServiceProviderConfig",
    "container" : "ServiceProviderConfig",
    "operation" : "read",
    "attrs" : [ "*" ]

The OPA Agent runs through the ACIs defined in the configured data and returns a result which contains two values allow and rules:

        "actors":["role=admin root"],
        "name":"Administrators can read, search, compare all records and operational attributes",
        "rights":"read, search",

Note: the value of rules are i2scim ACIs to be applied for the current request. i2Scim uses the ACIs to know what targetAttrs are allowed for update or return depending on the request.

While it may seem pointless to return an i2scim ACI to the server, the benefit of externalizing the i2scim policy decision is that the authorization process can be customized to support enhanced or externally managed policy.

Integration Details

OpenPolicyAgent Deployment

From the perspective of OpenPolicyAgent, i2scim is a REST API. OPA can be deployed as a “sidecar” (meaning running in the same container) with an i2scim server. See “Integrating OPA” for more information on OPA and this type of integration pattern.

i2scim Configuration Properties

To enable OPA Policy Agent Integration in an i2scim deployment, set the following system configuraiton properties:

OPA Input Provided by i2scim

When OPA is called, i2scim constructs a JSON document with the following attributes:

Note at this time, i2scim integration with OPA does not expose the HTTP body of SCI Create, PUT, or PATCH operations as input to OPA.

i2scim.authz Rego

A sample i2scim policy rego file is provided which i2scim calls for authorization decisions. As discussed above, the code returns two JSON attributes allow and rules. allow is set to true if at least one rule is matched for the authorized request.

package i2scim.authz

import data.acis

allow {
   count(rules) > 0

rules[rule] {
	some x

    rule = acis[x]

In the Rego code, the above code block iterates throught the acis provided from the data import. If “startsWith” for path, hasRight, and isActorMatch all return true, the aci is added to the set of returned rules.

While this logic just duplicates the processing that i2scim normally does, it is important to note, that by externalizing the logic, policy can be extended and centralized as part of an overall managment system.

Below, are Rego “functions” which each check for the appropriate matching condition. Note that there are actually 5 isTypeMatch functions. When multiple functions of the same name exist, Rego processes this as a logical “or”. In this case a match is achieve if one of the 5 types specified matches.

hasRight(aci,right) {
   privs = split(aci.rights,", ")

   some i
   right == privs[i]

isActorMatch(aci) {
    some j
	actor = aci.actors[j]

isTypeMatch(actor) {
	actor == "any"

isTypeMatch(actor) {
    actor == "self"
    input.path == "/Me"

isTypeMatch(actor) {
	# let scim evaluate

isTypeMatch(actor) {
	# let scim evaluate

isTypeMatch(actor) {
	x := replace(actor,"role=","")
    vals = split(x," ")
    count(vals) > 0
    count(input.auth.roles) > 0
    some i,j
    input.auth.roles[i] == vals[j]

Data.json and i2Scim Access Controls

A sample data.json file is provided which is just an i2scim acis.json file renamed to data.json. This becomes the ruleset that will be processed by rego when i2scim calls the OPA agent.

```json lines { “acis”: [ { “path” : “/”, “name” : “Administrators can read, search, compare all records and operational attributes”, “targetAttrs” : “”, “rights” : “read, search”, “actors” : [ “role=admin root” ] }, { “path” : “/”, “name” : “Admins can update all resources”, “targetAttrs” : “”, “rights” : “add, modify, delete”, “actors” : [ “role=admin root” ] }, { “path” : “/ServiceProviderConfig”, “name” : “Allow unauthenticated access to ServiceProviderConfig”, “targetAttrs” :””, “rights” : “read, search”, “actors” : [“any”] }, { “path” : “/ResourceTypes”, “name” : “Allow unauthenticated access to ResourceTypes”, “targetAttrs” :””, “rights” : “read, search”, “actors” : [“any”] }, { “path” : “/Schemas”, “name” : “Allow unauthenticated access to Schemas”, “targetAttrs” :”*”, “rights” : “read, search”, “actors” : [“any”] },

 . . . and so on . . .

] } ```